Screen Shot 2013-12-19 at 7.41.29 PMRay Fournier, a husband, father, and public school missionary, has written a new book that calls for Christian parents to abandon the public schools and return to the Word of God. Education Reformation, which lays out a biblical case against public education, is a firsthand public-school teacher’s account about what is really happening  “behind enemy lines.”

Mr. Fournier says, “What I have personally witnessed in the public schools as well as what God has taught me through His Word, has inspired me to write… Education Reformation.”

You are invited to read E-Book version of Education Reformation for free at

Once you read the book, please consider ordering a copy of the print edition for friends and family at

Equip them to…
1. Rescue their children from the public schools.
2. Have a Biblical defense for their decision to leave the public schools.
3. Give them the encouragement and guidance to provide a Biblical education for their children for the glory of God.

Education Reformation has not only been endorsed by E. Ray Moore, president of Frontline Ministries, Inc. and Exodus Mandate Project, but also by Joaquin Fernandez, co-producer of IndoctriNation the movie, Kevin Swanson, pastor and host of Generations Radio, and by Samuel Blumenfeld, best-selling author on education.

What people are saying about Education Reformation…
“This book is truth supported by Truth”
“Must Read”