We have a lot of great news to share!

Frontline Ministries, Inc. & the Exodus Mandate Project just released the April 2018 Ministry Newsletter. Chaplain Moore has been very busy since our last update at the turn of the year! Here are some highlights of our activity, which is only possible with your prayerful support and God’s grace.

  • The Old Schoolhouse (TOS) magazine included a feature article on Exodus Mandate in the Winter 2017/18 edition, entitled, “An Interview with Cal Thomas.” The article includes information about the ministry’s 20th anniversary and banquet. http://www.theoldschoolhouse.com TOS has the largest online readership of homeschoolers in the country.
  • February 27 to March 2, board member Herb Seigler and Chaplain Moore (Ray) attended the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) Conference in Nashville, TN. They talked with and distributed Exodus Mandate literature to leaders of more than 100 major ministry and Christian organizations. These leaders are now in position to have more educational impact, and helping them to view the Exodus Mandate as a plan for renewal of family, church and culture will still take more work and prayer.
  • In March, Ray attended the Teach Them Diligently Homeschool Conference; Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary Spring Conference; Truth for a New Generation Conference; as well as special meetings, luncheons and radio interviews. More and more ministries and organizations are beginning to get on the EM bandwagon.
  • Not great newsChildren continue to suffer in today’s public schools. We marvel that anyone would keep their child(ren) in schools that continue to indoctrinate children to the corrupting of their souls and of the moral fiber of the Church and nation. (i.e. pornographic sex ed, Islamic teaching, pro-LGBT policies, gender dysphoria, socialistic worldview, SEL, ESSA, historical revision, Common Core Standards, etc.)
  •  One of the biggest hurdles facing Exodus Mandate is reaching pastors with this vital message. Only 30% of conservative pastors support K12 Christian education. What can you do? Talk with your pastor, elders, deacons, & Christian friends to see if they would be willing to start a Christian school in your church facilities; Encourage them to support families with tuition needs for Christian schooling; Suggest starting a homeschool co-op at church and/or help homeschooling families with curriculum needs; Ask them if they would consider adding Frontline Ministries, Inc. (Exodus Mandate) to their budgets.
  • Our children, our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren are at stake. Please, join us in urgent prayer, support and encouragement as we continue to promote the safe sanctuary of K12 Christian education and homeschooling. This work cannot be accomplished without financial supportWe are in this battle together for our precious children.