Dear Friends of Exodus Mandate,

We have exciting news to report!

The Lord has graciously opened doors of opportunity for our message of K-12 Christian education and homeschooling to be brought to the frontline! In February-March we have had major breakthroughs in disseminating the message of Exodus Mandate to the general public through the enclosed Washington Post article. Washington Post is one of the largest and most influential newspapers in the US. This February 15 article may have been read by 2-3 million, mostly liberals who were very unhappy with sentiments expressed in the comment section. My portion consists of four paragraphs on the back page, and I was very gratified that I was quoted accurately. Although the information wasn’t intended for release yet, Huffington Post and other radically liberal web magazines wrote about it.

The essence of the Washington Post article is that now the left knows what many conservatives want to accomplish in promoting K-12 Christian education as opposed to public education. Sadly, some Christians are still confused or reluctant to take up the Exodus Mandate agenda.

The 2nd big media moment for Exodus Mandate, perhaps the most significant opportunity and outreach in our 20+ year history, has enabled us to confront this reluctance. On March 20, I was the guest of Dr. James Dobson Family Talk radio program. Two back-to-back 25-minute interviews aired on March 20 & 21. Both interviews are available at, entitled, “The Current State of Public vs. Christian Education.” This is an important moment for Exodus Mandate for several reasons:

• I was able to reach upwards of one million people, mostly a Christian audience, on his 1,200 radio stations, and with a huge online audience of a quarter of a million each day at the link above.
• Dr. Dobson is one of the nation’s most respected evangelical Christian family leaders, and being a guest on his show has had enormous value for our message.
• As a result of the March 20-21 interview, the program has gone viral with some large conservative web magazines posting follow-up articles like The New American by Alex Newman. Many more interviews possibly may follow in the next several weeks as well.

Exodus Mandate needs your prayers, advocacy and financial support as never before. Our opportunities and advances are out-running our supply lines. Civil War Union General Ulysses S. Grant said, “Battles are won by troops, but wars are won by logistics” (i.e., supplies, funds).

Exodus Mandate has the message for this critical hour. Over the years, we have created several books and DVDs and developed a medium-sized field organization in some states. But regular, consistent donors, as well as large donors, are imperative to continue this effort as it grows. Please consider helping us now. We also need your strong advocacy with pastors and Christian leaders, and even in your church. Friends, please, forward the link to them,, and strongly encourage them to listen.

We are offering the book, Abolition: Overcoming the Christian Establishment on Education, written by Kevin R. Novak, as a premium this month. For a suggested donation of $20.00, we will send you a copy of this newly published book. If Abolition is widely read among pastors, as well as by Christian and conservative leaders, it can dispel the error that has hindered us from fulfilling our duty to the children. If Kevin Novak’s insights into the constitutional and biblical issues that mitigate against state-sponsored public education are accepted and acted upon, then the Christian community will once again be a “good neighbor” to those around us and will help reverse our failing culture.

We continue to offer our DVD, Escaping Common Core: Setting our Children Free, for a suggested donation of $20.00. If you haven’t yet seen this 60-minute movie, please order your copy today and share it with your friends, family, church members and especially your pastor. See our newest ad in The Old Schoolhouse, the family education magazine online at or in print.

As we steadily continue to spread this vitally important message of Christian education across our nation through radio interviews, conferences, meetings, newspaper and magazine articles, DVDs, social media, seminars, etc., would you please consider helping us in this effort? Your gift will help spread the message of K-12 Christian education and homeschooling. We are a 501©3 non-profit, Christian organization that relies on private donors to help us continue in this battle for our children. All donations are tax deductible and no gift amount is too small. Please, use the enclosed form and reply envelope for your convenience. Thank you for your prayers and support!

Blessings in Christ,

E. Ray Moore, President
Frontline Ministries, Inc. and Exodus Mandate Project