American Vision
American Vision is a Christian education ministry providing education materials and information to assist individuals, families and churches develop a practical and dynamic biblical worldview.

Biblical WorldView Learning Center
It is the goal and vision of the Biblical Worldview Learning Center to provide individuals, organizations, and ministries with distinctively Christian books, resources, seminars, and consultation.

Christian Worldview
The purpose of the Christian Worldview ministry is to equip people to think and live with a consistent and cohesive biblical worldview.

Issues in Education
Issues in Education provides a newsletter and radio programs on various topics concerning Christian education.

Nehemiah Institute
Nehemiah Institute is a unique Christian ministry that provides a one-of-a-kind Christian worldview testing and training program to families, schools and churches. In addition, they offer many items for teaching a ‘biblical worldview.’

Plymouth Rock Foundation
Plymouth Rock Foundation seeks to make known and understood the Pilgrim principles and characteristics – their devotion to God and the Bible, to freedom and to tolerance, and their embodiment of courage, brotherhood, and individual moral character. Additionally, they “also seek to make better known the ideas and achievements of later generations of Americans who followed after the Pilgrims in both spirit and deed, forging our nation’s Christian heritage.”

Summit Ministries
Summit Ministries is an educational Christian ministry works to counteract the alarming trend of countless Christian youth who have fallen victim to the popular ideas of our modern world. As Christians are challenged to stand strong in their faith and defend truth, they will also be equipped to have a positive influence on the society in which they live.

Wall Builders
Wall Builders is an organization dedicated to presenting America’s forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built.

Worldview Alliance
The Worldview Alliance is a new project of Nehemiah Institute designed to present a strategy for addressing the many moral, economic, political, educational and social ills prevalent in America at this time.

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